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Mental Health Crisis

News & Discussion

CMHA-CEI Highlights Two Recovery Stories during National Recovery Month

CMHA-CEI Highlights Two Recovery Stories during National Recovery Month:

First Day of Recovery vs. Last Day of Recovery

Lansing, MI – During National Recovery Month, Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties (CMHA-CEI) will highlight several recovery stories of mental health and substance use disorder (SUD).

“When I was not using, I was a successful person. When I was not pleasing my friends on the streets, I would stay away from the drugs. There was a lot of peer pressure that led me to fall back into old habits because I would go back to my old friends who were users”, explained Dane. Dane, is in his late 40’s. The look of exhaustion and optimism pass over his facial expressions as he explains his life story. Dane is in his fourth day at the House of Commons (HOC).

Dane has entered treatment through involvement in the court system, which may order individuals to participate in a 12-week SUD treatment and recovery program such as House of Commons. He is not alone, there are currently other men in HOC either waiting to be sentenced, or who have been sentenced to attend the HOC due to previous drug related offenses.

So far, Dane feels hopeful and optimistic for the 90-day program. Dane explained that he loves his schedule as it pertains to adopting healthy habits, structure, and learning new skills. There are different appointments that Dane will be set up with, including an optometrist appointment to receive new glasses, healthcare appointments, and more.

On the other spectrum, is Brett. Brett’s last day of the 90-day program is in three days. He explains that everyone has their way of coping with past trauma, and has found solace in putting his emotions on paper, instead of acting on them. Brett loves to write poetry. “Writing poems is elaborating and a form of therapy for me to put everything down on a piece of paper”, states Brett.

Many of the men at HOC have past traumas, which ultimately was the reason they started to abuse substances. For others, drug use was just a strategy to escape the symptoms of mental illness and falling into the clutches of peer pressure by their peers. This unhealthy mix would turn into the perfect storm for addiction to occur.

If you see changes in someone in your life, it could be a sign they’re struggling with their behavioral health. Let them know that you’re there for them by sharing a behavioral health screening that they can take anonymously from their device. To utilize the Behavioral Health Screening Tool, please visit:

If you or someone you know is suffering from a behavioral or SUD crisis, please call our ACCESS line at 517-346-8318 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To learn more about our services and programs, please visit CMHA-CEI at

Visit the CMHA-CEI Facebook Page to read the highlighted stories here:

About Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties (CMHA-CEI):
The Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties (CMHA-CEI) provides, directly and through partnerships, a comprehensive set of person-centered, high quality, and effective behavioral health, substance abuse, and developmental disability services to the residents of this community.

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